Monday, August 16, 2010

15 months old!

. . . wow! our little blog needs a huge update! time flies . . . she's 15 months old! only 1 year and 3 months yet she has already started her "terrible twos". SO much has happened since our last blog post (4 months ago) . . .

we are now officially homeowners!

we finally bought our first home in april. it took us one year of searching and making offers while facing so much competition and almost giving up. we love our new house. it's the perfect size for our little family. :) we moved in may just a week before kaia's first birthday party! we were so busy trying to move in all our stuff and decorate just in time.

kaia turned ONE on may 8th!

we are expecting baby #2!

this ultrasound was at 8 weeks. i'm about 17 weeks now. the due date is january 26th. next wednesday we are having the ultrasound to see if it's a boy or a girl. it doesn't matter, as long as this next one is "the calm one"! kaia is such a handful but we love her so much we just enjoy every minute of her! so far i had a lot of nausea during my first trimester and now that i'm into my second trimester i surprisingly feel better and have more energy to do things like scrapbook again. :)

kaia lovvvvvvves fish!
(she calls them "bish" or "bishie")

we have this digital 3D aquarium that she loves. we don't have a real one yet because she'd probably knock the tank over! when she wakes up in the morning she says "bish!" and points to the door so we could take her to see her aquarium. her favorite movie is "finding nemo" (of course) so on our 2 year anniversary a week ago we took her to sea world for the first time. she loved it!

this photo of her definitely shows all the wonder and amazement in her eyes :)

we got to feed the dolphins . . .

and pet them . . .

and kaia got to meet her favorite sesame street characters
(Abby Cadabby and Elmo)

we took kaia with us to san diego for her 2nd comic con

hit girl and red mist from the movie kickass
(kaia is going to be hit girl one day)

"don't hassle the hoff"
david hasselhoff was literally on top of a bus singing and promoting his new reality tv show with his daughters. it was hard not to laugh. they were giving out these hoff masks.

i was starstruck when i met the cast of one of my new favorite tv shows being human

it's on the BBC and is about a ghost, a werewolf and a vampire that live in the same house and struggle together to live normal lives. they are on their 2nd season now, which we are loving - every episode leaves us hanging!

damien & i both got the iphone 4 and i'm having fun with this app

i love the vintage photo booths! intelli booth creates it for you in seconds. :) having a camera on the front of the phone is pretty awesome.

damien & forrest griffin

forrest griffin (MMA fighter) was doing a signing at our local borders bookstore for his 2nd book so damien went. i begged him to bring my instax camera. so when their picture was taken it printed out a tiny picture and forrest says "i think that camera just stole my soul".

fun at the orange county fair last week

playing with daddy's miniatures

her silly expressions are priceless :)

bath time!
(favorite part of her day)

lovvvves spaghetti!

she plays with her sippy cup of water and gets herself drenched

loves to clean with the swiffer

taking mommy's keys to go bye bye

she points to dorothy (elmo's goldfish) when i ask her where dorothy is

getting too tall for her little fold out couch

when we had her one year check up, the doctor said that kaia was above the 95th percentile in height. by age 2 we'll be able to find out how tall she'll get. probably taller than me.

she can squat like this for a long time while she's doing something

definitely has her daddy's hair & cheeks . . .

. . . but has my eyes and lips

kaia & dadda :)

more things about kaia at 15 months

- she started walking at 11 months and has been running off ever since
- gives kisses on the lips
- knows how to give hi-5s
- claps her hands when we say "yayyyy!"
- loves taking baths & when we tell her it's bathtime she runs straight to her bathroom where her mini tub (from ikea) sits in the bathtub
- loves brushing her own teeth
- loves to do things on her own
- plays with her tea set and feeds you with the spoon while saying "namanamanam"
- still hasn't weened off her pacifier
- drinks whole milk from a bottle
- loves fruit like watermelon & cantaloupe, bananas, yogurt, chicken, pancit noodles, hash browns, fries (anything potato), pancakes
- she lovvvvves baby dolls!
- loves little kids of all sizes and ages n calls them "babyyyy!" and wants to play with them & hug them
- puts her purse over her shoulder then goes to the door and points at it and says "mama!" like she wants to go look for me
- likes to eat what we eat sometimes
- loves noodles and pasta - anything with tomato sauce
- does a little dance bobbing her head and upper body side to side if she likes what she eats
- loves ice
- likes to play hide n seek and says "boo!"
- loves her kailan jumpy house and tree tent
- loves watching yo gabba gabba, kailan, curious George, sesame street, the backyardigans
- loves to dance esp to Miley Cyrus "party in the USA" and black eyed peas "I gotta feeling"
- will kiss you when you are sad or crying
- starts crying too if she sees her cousin crying
- her head is always sweaty when she sleeps
- she has long legs & can reach the doorknob and tries to open the door
- when we tell her no she says "no!" back or "no mama!"
- when she knows we don't want her to play with something she'll run away and giggle
- she likes to play with the Swiffer or "clean" with her toy vacuum
- she likes to have the face towel when she takes a bath and tries to drink the water from squeezing the towel
- she has 11 teeth (3 are molars but hasn't cut her eye teeth yet!)
- she wears size 7 shoes
- she wears size 18-24 months, 2T clothes and sometimes 12 months tops as long as they're skinny
- when we tell her it's bedtime she walks straight to our bedroom :)
- she has funny expressions: gasps for no reason, walking backward toward us, rolls her eyes up
- she likes paella
- she likes watermelon rosemary lemonade
- she says "shhhhhh" with one finger to her lips
- she'll get my purse and put it over her shoulder and says "bye bye"
- she makes monster sounds when she plays with Damien's miniature monsters
- her fave movies: Finding Nemo, Monsters Inc, Labyrinth and she will hand us the DVD when she wants to watch one
- she wakes up every morning and says "bish!" (instead of fish) and points to the door so we can take her to see her digital aquarium
- when I haven't seen her all day she gives me a huge smile, big hug, lots of kisses and pats my back
- when I tell her to kiss the baby (in mommy's belly) before we go to bed she gives my stomach zoober kisses and laughs hysterically!
- she is just the sweetest baby! and is the center of our world :)

1 comment:

Annette said...

Whoa! That is some update!! You all are so cute and happy together. I can't wait to meet the new baby.