Wednesday, October 14, 2009

5 months ....update

okay, finally . . . it's been so long since i've posted! i definitely have to post more often. kaia is now 5 months old and is getting cuter and cuter each day! :)

at 5 months she . . .
. . . is crawling
. . . babbles a lot but tries to say words
. . . has so much personality
. . . sits up on her own
. . . is very alert
. . . is teething
. . . has her daddy wrapped around her little finger
. . . is very strong
. . . won't sit still when i take her growth picture next to the owl
. . . wants to start walking
. . . loves being in the little pool
. . . still smiles & laughs in her sleep
. . . has the cutest giggles
. . . squeals with delight when we pick her up and throw her up into the air (she's probably going to love rollercoasters!)
. . . is so sweet when she puts her hands on our face and smiles
. . . gets excited to see us when we get home from work
. . . loves to watch nihao, kailan!
. . . plays peek a boo
. . . hums when i'm singing her to sleep
. . . is spoiled by everyone :)
. . . is loved

at her last doctor's visit (@ 4 months), she weighed 14 lbs 7 oz., 26 inches long, and her head circumference was 16 inches. she was in the 95th percentile for her height! she's definitely going to be tall! all her 3-6 month pants are capris (cropped to her knees).

it's funny, while we're in the car she can turn her musical mobile on & off. the music is so catchy i think we've memorized every beat!

her hair is still very short that sometimes we get asked "how old is HE?" or "what's HIS name?" . . . even when she's wearing pink. so i usually put a cute knit beanie on her. i've been ordering these customized beanies from a store on etsy called knittles. they're so cute!

she was recently in a magazine . . . privateer press' No Quarter. it's a gaming magazine. (love how she is holding the magazine up herself like 'hey check this out!')

our borders baby . . .

she is just full of soooo much energy!!! . . . and what a personality she has! :)


Annette said...

Those pix are adorable! She looks so cute in those beanies. I hope to see her scrapping soon ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh, she is so cute! I love her expressions....